16. Exploring the render Performance of the National Rail website

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Lesson Details

  • Lesson: 16
  • Description: Using the Layers Panel to Diagnose Performance issues

The goal of this lesson

To improve the performance of the National Rail website.

What we'll cover

  • Introduction
  • Performance Profiling
  • Layers Panel
  • Changing the z-index
  • Conclusion


The National Rail website occasionally uses an ad which has some interesting performance implications. This version is hosted at nationalrail.umaar.now.sh, as the production version of the site may not always present such behaviour.

Performance Profiling

We can use the Performance Monitor (Cmd + Shift + P > Show Performance Monitor) to view a high-level overview of the National Rail website.

Performance Monitor Visualisation National Rail

If for example, the DOM Nodes graph is spiking, this gives you a specific area on what to look at next.

You can record a performance profile in the Performance Panel, which provides much more detail than the Performance Monitor.

Performance Profile of National Rail

In the case of this performance recording, while the GPU events are not the slowest thing here, they're still a little slower than expected, this prompts us to open the Layers Panel (Cmd + Shift + P > Show Layers Panel).

Layers Panel

The Layers Panel gives a 3D representation of the layers on the currently inspected page. On this page, there is a very large layer which DevTools estimates to need almost a gigabyte of memory.

Layers Panel

The compositing reason suggests that the parent element has children with a negative z-index, which resulted in this element being promoted to its own layer.

Changing the z-index

To find the element(s) with a negative z-index, we can construct a project wide search using the shortcut: Cmd + Alt + F and search for z-index: -.

Project Wide Search

As an experiment, if we change the z-index of the found element to 0, improvement can then be seen in the Layers Panel.

z-index change


Note 1: In reality, such a "fix" would need much more in-depth testing, as well as an understanding of the reason for the negative z-index in the first place.

Layers panel after the z-index change

Note 2: If you're following along at nationalrail.umaar.now.sh, you may occasionally see yet another large layer appear which consumes a decent chunk of memory. This didn't happen for me consistently, but when it did occur, it seemed to be related to another z-index property on another element.